Shipping is free for orders above $100. We charge a shipping and handling fee of $5.00 for orders under $100.

This depends on the product ordered. We ship the goods for you direct from the warehouse to you. Most items will arrive in about 3-4 days. If you’re still not sure, just email us and we can offer you order specific advice.

Most of our products are delivered using a tracking code. Regardless of whether a tracking code is available for your specific order, we do offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all orders. That means no risk. We have you completely covered.

Most times this is because our customers have accidentally entered their email in wrong. Throughout the process, we send out multiple emails, including an order confirmation and a shipping notice. If you believe you may have entered your email wrong please contact us and we will fix it for you.

If you have any questions that are not on this FAQ page, reach out to us through the “Contact Us” tab above or at